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MCE Attribute Display Names


Attributes are retrieved from the backing attribute provider and Active Directory, setup using the Management Tool for your MCE deployment.

Admins can use the provided PowerShell commandlets to set display names for attributes which are displayed in the group management window used for group creation. These can either be:

  • Group dissemination attributes
  • Group members
  • Group managers

The purpose of the display names, is to provide a mechanism to easily identify longer and more complex attributes at a glance.

Example use

Given an attribute of the form:

Issuer:AD, Name:StreetAddress, Value:A Specific Area Very Far Away From any Known Landmarks

Which has a longer value and will concatenate the name and value when displaying this attribute in the group management window within MindLink Anywhere, and we would much rather this location be named "Office".

First, as this is a new display name, we need to first create a display name for this attribute using the New-MceAttributeDisplayName commandlet. The result of which should be:

New-MceAttributeDisplayName -Issuer "AD" -Name "StreetAddress" -Value "A Specific Area Very Far Away From any Known Landmarks" -DisplayName "Office"

That's it. For each issuer, name and value combination admins will only ever need to call the New-MceAttributeDisplayName once, any further editing of the display name should be done with Set-MceAttributeDisplayName. Now if the attribute is used within MindLink Anywhere, the display name will be displayed to users instead of the longer less-readable form. Importantly, when searching for the attribute, group admins can utilize either the original attribute, or the new display name.

Admins can see which attribute display names are currently set easily, by using the Get-MceAttributeDisplayName commandlet, like so:


Cleared attribute display names will also be retrieved.

This will return all display names, which can then optionally be piped into other commandlets if needed. If edits to the current display names are required, admins can make use of the Set-MceAttributeDisplayName. An example use would be to change the "Office" display name to "Second Office", like so:

Set-MceAttributeDisplayName -Issuer "AD" -Name "StreetAddress" -Value "A Specific Area Very Far Away From any Known Landmarks" -DisplayName "Second Office"

A final commandlet if provided to the admins for clearing any display names, Clear-MceAttributeDisplayName. Clearing a single display name can be done by either piping the attribute display name ID into the clear commandlet, or by providing the issuer, name and value combination like so:

Clear-MceAttributeDisplayName -Issuer "AD" -Name "StreetAddress" -Value "A Specific Area Very Far Away From any Known Landmarks"

To clear all set display names:

Get-MceAttributeDisplayName | Clear-AttributeDisplayName

Once a display name has been cleared, attributes will revert to displaying with the name and value concatenation in the group management window.


If admins wish to set an attribute display name which has been previously cleared, use the Set-MceAttributeDisplayName commandlet.