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MCE Standalone Configuration


MCE can be configured to run independently without the need for a Skype for Business (SfB) Topology. Deploying MCE without SfB means that only chat room based messaging will be available to users.

Please refer to the PowerShell Management section for more information on how to manage the MCE deployment, including how to add security contexts and users.

For all other configurations see MCE Configurations.

MindLink comes with many features, some of which are optional and require additional configuration that you may not need.

In this section we will explore the most common scenarios:

  • Active Directory Only
  • Active Directory + Attribute Service

Currently it is not possible to configure a deployment that does not depend on Active Directory.

Common configuration

Whether you're using Active Directory, or Active Directory with an Attribute Service, there are some common configuration steps.

1. Configure your license

Follow the guidance provided on Licence configuration.


MCE licensing is bundled with your MindLink Anywhere license. Don't have a license? Contact to request a trial.

2. Disable instant messaging

As a standalone deployment is only capable of chat room messaging scenarios, we need to disable the instant messaging feature.

To disable instant messaging refer to General configuration.

3. Fill out dummy values for Skype for Business configuration

As a standalone deployment by definition does not integrate with Skype for Business, we don't actually need any Skype for Business configuration. Unfortunately, the management tool doesn't yet understand this and so requires that you fill in dummy values in the Skype for Business configuration.


You can enter any values that the Management Center considers valid input. These values will not be used by MCE but are required as the Management Center’s validation process does not yet support MCE standalone.

4. Configure Active Directory

Active Directory is currently a required integration, you should fill out the Active Directory configuration according to your resource and authenticating forest.


You must specify a default domain in the Active Directory authentication options, while the management tool does not validate this setting there is a known bug that treats an empty value as invalid in the service.

You must ensure that the authentication search filter is able to find the user account using both the objectSid and the linked authentication identity, e.g., if you're using a linked authentication identity of a user's email address then a valid search filter would be (|(&(objectCategory=person)(objectSid={0}))(&(objectCategory=person)(mail={0}))).


When using a resource forest topology, MindLink only supports the objectSid from the User forest as a mapped identity attribute synchronized to the Resource forest.

The default search filter for authentication assumes that either the User forest is also the Resource forest (and so the objectSid is used to find the authenticating user), or the Resource forest user objects are mapped to the authenticating user via an msRTCSIP-OriginatorSID field (or other target field containing the User forest objectSid).

When using Windows or Password based authentication, this search filter is used to find the Active Directory object that contains an attribute whose value is the linked user authentication attribute configured for MCE.

When using Pre-Authenticated HTTP Header based authentication, this search filter is used to find the Active Directory object with the linked user authentication attribute. You must make sure that the linked user authentication attribute configured for MCE is the value provided in the HTTP Header.

You must make sure that the linked user authentication attribute is part of the search filter along with the mapped identity attribute, e.g., using the user's email address, and originatorSID as the mapped identity attribute, then a valid search filter would be (|(&(objectCategory=person)(objectSid={0}))(&(objectCategory=person)(originatorSID={0}))(&(objectCategory=person)(mail={0}))).

MCE will sync user metadata from a single forest, this should be your Resource forest, if you have one.

5. Disable unsupported features

Some features are only applicable to instant messaging, these must be disabled:


Disabling communities of interest does not impact MCE Security Contexts.

6. Configure MCE

You can configure the basic MCE connectivity and database as described here.


Only configure the MCE page and follow the database installation/upgrade guidance. Return here before any advanced configuration.

You can configure the MindLink Anywhere feature as normal Configure MindLink Anywhere feature

8. Manually complete configuration

The configuration of MCE relies upon the advanced configuration section of the Management Center. This section does not perform validation, and it's important to get the configuration right.


MindLink wants to make the configuration experience much easier and we are working on uplifting all of these advanced keys to proper configuration pages with guidance in future releases.

global.service.modulesWeb,Mce,MceAdminEnables Web, MCE and the MCE administration services respectively.
debug.mce.file.server.path.<mce file server identifier>C:\mindlink\mce\filesThe path to where file uploads should be stored when the specified <file server identifier> is configured as the active file server, this should be a network path accessible to all MLA hosts. This key allows for recording multiple file paths onto which files have been uploaded, the currently "active" path (onto which new files will be uploaded) can be switched with the debug.mce.file.server.activeid key
debug.mce.file.server.activeidmcefileserver1The desired mce file server identifier, defined via using the debug.mce.file.server.path.<mce file server identifier> debug flag
debug.connector.types.enabledmceSpecifies the enabled connectors, accepted values are "mce" and "ucma". MCE is required for a standalone deployment with the omission of UCMA.
debug.connector.mce.groupclassificationrequiredfalseEnforces that a classification must be specified when creating a group
mce.attributesynchronization.issuers.directoryservice.idADDetermines the issuer ID for the directory service.
mce.attributesynchronization.validissuersADSpecifies the issuers that can be used to specify COI attributes. Use the values specified for
mce.attributesynchronization.user.defaultissuerADSpecifies the default attribute issuer to use for user attribute synchronization, use the value specified for
mce.attributesynchronization.user.linkedauthenticationidentity.issuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer to use as the linked authentication identity for users, use the value specified for
mce.attributesynchronization.user.linkedauthenticationidentity.namemailSpecifies the attribute to synchronize as the linked authentication identity. This is the property defined in the attribute issuer used to link users, and must be used in the Active Directory search filter.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.displayname.namedisplayNameSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user display name.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.emailaddress.namemailSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user email address.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.instantmessagingaddress.namemailSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user instant messaging address. the attribute name used to synchronize the user country.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.countrydivision.namestSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user country division or state. the attribute name used to synchronize the user city.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.street.namestreetAddressSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user street.
mce.attributesynchronization.activedirectory.synchronizationreminderminutes240Specifies the reminder interval, in minutes, for synchronizing the Active Directory attributes. We recommend a value between 4-6 hours.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.activedirectory.propertiess, st, displayName, distinguishedName, mailSpecifies the active directory properties to synchronize for users (ensure the distinguished name and whatever you use for the linkedauthenticationidentity are synchronized). Only string type AD properties are supported.
mce.attributesynchronization.activedirectory.groupsandous.enabledtrueEnables Active Directory Groups and OUs for synchronization.
debug.mceadmin.admin.upnuser@domain.comThe UPN of an administrator account, used to connect with the Powershell and manage MCE. name of the environment to show to users in the application.
debug.mce.enableinappmcegroupmanagementtrueEnables users to manage MCE chat rooms within MindLink Anywhere.
connector.ucma.custompreferencesrepositoryC:\mindlinkSpecifies the location for custom preferences, this should be a network path accessible to all MLA hosts.

Setting '' must not be changed once set. Updating once set may compromise security policies.

Optional configuration

debug.mce.fileupload.disabledtrueDisabled file upload functionality in MCE groups
debug.mceadmin.admin.adgroupCN=MceAdministrators, DN=Groups, DC=company, DC=comThe Active Directory distinguished name of a Security Group for administrator accounts
debug.mceadmin.admin.tokenexpirationminutes15The number of minutes an administrator access token is valid scope of validation against group name duplication. Can be "Global", "SecurityContext", "SecurityContextAndClassification", or "None". Will default to "None" if not provided.
mce.contentretention.enabledfalseDetermines whether global group chat content retention is enabled. Will default to 'false' if omitted.
mce.contentretention.purge.interval.hours1Determines the interval at which messages are either soft or hard deleted.
mce.contentretention.sync.interval.hours1Determines the interval at which hard or soft deletion policies are synchronized.
mce.attributesynchronization.wellknown.attributes[{"Issuer": "issuer ID", "Name": "attribute-name", "Value": "attribute-value"}]Determines the list of well known attributes as a JSON. Each entry requires the issuer ID, the attribute name and value.
debug.mce.database.logging.enabledtrueEnables detailed logging of all database operations.
debug.mce.database.operationretry.enabledtrueEnables automatic retry of database operations when transient failures occur. Note: Many errors will be considered transient by default and will cause retries.
debug.mce.database.operationretry.maxretries1Determines the maximum number of times a database operation can be retried under transient failure. Note: If not specified, and debug.mce.database.operationretry.enabled is set to true, a default value of 1 will be used.
debug.mce.database.operationretry.maxdelayseconds1Determines the maximum delay (in seconds) between successive retries of failed database operations. The delay between successive retries follows a backoff pattern, limited by this maximum value. Note: If not specified, and debug.mce.database.operationretry.enabled is set to true, a default value of 5 will be used.
debug.mce.database.operationretry.transienterrorserrorNumber1, errorNumber2, ...Specifies any additional error numbers which should be considered transient for database operations, and should therefore cause retries. These are in addition to those already considered transient by default which do not need to be specified here.

Active Directory Only

An Active Directory Only deployment does not leverage a separate Attribute Service, instead pulling all metadata and security attributes from Active Directory.


In an Active Directory Only deployment you cannot configure Content Classification, or attribute-based access control, which require an Attribute Service.

Disable features that require an Attribute Server

Since you are looking to deploy without an Attribute Server, you must disable the following features:

Active Directory + Attribute Service

With Active Directory and an Attribute Service you have more flexibility in how to authenticate, and where to source user attributes.

Enable content classification


Currently, content classification must be enabled in order for the Attribute Service to be used by MCE. In future versions we will look to remove this dependency and allow the Attribute Service to be enabled solely for sourcing user attributes.

Manually complete configuration

In addition to the common manual configuration, the following keys must be specified.

mce.attributesynchronization.issuers.attributeservice.idASDetermines the issuer ID for the attribute service.
mce.attributesynchronization.validissuersAD,ASSpecifies the issuers that can be used to specify COI attributes. Use the values specified for and (or use only one of them if you want to restrict Security Context attributes).
mce.attributesynchronization.attributeprovider.synchronizationreminderminutes240Specifies the reminder interval, in minutes, for synchronizing the user attribute provider attributes. We recommend a value between 4-6 hours.

Setting '' and '' must not be changed once set. Updating once set may compromise security policies.

Optional configuration

mce.attributesynchronization.user.emailaddress.issuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user email address, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.displayname.issuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user display name, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.instantmessagingaddress.issuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user instant messaging address, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted. the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user country, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.countrydivision.issuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user country division or state, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted. the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user city, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted.
mce.attributesynchronization.user.street.issuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user street, defaults to the specified default attribute issuer if omitted.
debug.mceadmin.admin.attributecois=AdminsThe security attribute name=value of administrator accounts

Additional steps when turning on Attribute Server integration when users already exist

If you have already deployed MindLink with Active Directory and have added users, there are some additional steps that you need to take when turning on Attribute Server integration.

Firstly, existing Security Contexts and their Chat Rooms cannot be easily migrated to use attributes. Instead, you should create new Security Contexts and Chat Rooms using attributes and deprecate the use of previous rooms.


If you really do need to migrate chat rooms from Active Directory to Attribute Server attributes, reach out to, and we can work with you to ensure a smooth migration using advanced tooling.

  1. Turn off the MindLink services to prevent interference during this process.
  2. Delete the event cursors created by the disabled attribute synchronizer
DELETE FROM [MCE].[dbo].[EventConsumerCursors] where [ConsumerId] like 
  1. Trigger synchronizers to initialize
Get-MceUser -IsEnabled $True | Start-MceGrain -GrainType "MindLink.Core.MceAdmin.Contracts.Grains.IAttributeProviderUserAttributeSynchronizerGrain"
  1. Trigger a synchronization of attributes
Get-MceUser -IsEnabled $True | Sync-MceUserAttributes

If you do not perform these steps, then existing users will not have their attributes synchronized from the Attribute Server.

Next steps

Once you have deployed and configured the basic MindLink experience, you can enable additional functionality for MCE:

"Shadow account" setup for external users

Shadow accounts are only required to allow users external to the local AD access to MCE.

A shadow account is a contact or disabled user object in Active Directory that is used to provide a directory resource for a person who is not an authenticated member of the directory - e.g. an external user to a system.

The AD administrator creates a contact object containing attributes such as display name / email etc. The person represented by that this object cannot authenticate to the AD server, but can have attributes setup for accessing MCE groups.

Configure "pre-authenticated" header so it injects the email as the header value when the external users logs into MindLink, and they should be able to log in and interact with any groups according to the attributes configured on the AD object like a regular internal AD user.