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MCE Configuration

Currently you must correctly configure a MindLink Anywhere installation first, before configuring the MCE system.

You must configure the following integration features:

See Configuring MindLink Anywhere for further details.

Optional third-party attribute server

Using a third-party attribute server

MCE can integrate with a third-party external security attribute system to synchronize security attributes. The attribute server is configured in the "User attributes provider" tab of the MindLink Management Center. The optional attribute server is used if any of the "Content classification", "Communities of interest", or "IM ethical wall" features are enabled. To use "Content classification" in MCE, the "Communities of interest" feature must also be enabled.

Disabling the third-party attribute server

The optional attribute server is not used if the "Content classification", "Communities of interest", and "IM ethical wall" features are disabled in the MindLink Management Center.

Firefox configuration for encryption

Firefox by default does not include certificates from the local windows store, nor does it treat Preflight HTTPS requests in the same way as Chrome or Edge. Therefore additional configuration is required, this is done by opening up a new tab in Firefox and entering about:config as the URL. You should be presented with a text box to search advanced config, where we will set:

  • security.enterprise_roots.enabled
    • Set as: true
    • Connects the local certificate store
  • network.cors_preflight.allow_client_cert
    • Set as: true
    • Causes Firefox to behave like Chrome and Edge

The configuration of MCE relies upon the advanced configuration section of the MindLink Management Center.

One-box configuration

Once a MindLink Anywhere installation is deployed, the following configuration will host all features on a single machine:

global.service.modulesWeb,Mce,MceAdminEnables Web, MCE and the MCE administration services respectively
debug.mce.clientenabledtrueEnables the MCE connector for Web, overridden to true when the "MceAdmin" module is enabled;
Database=Mce;Integrated Security=true
Specifies the database connection for all MCE operations, including cluster membership.
debug.mce.clusteridmceSpecifies the identity of the cluster the DNS name of the cluster, this is used for certificate validation comma-separated list of subject names that are trusted. One or more SANs in the certificate used to connect to the cluster must appear in this list.
debug.mceadmin.validissuersADSpecifies the issuers that can be used to specify COI attributes. AD = Active Directory. The value for your third-party attribute service can also be used.
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.activedirectory.reminderintervalminutes1Specifies the reminder interval, in minutes, for synchronizing the Active Directory attributes.
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.attributeprovider.reminderintervalminutes1Specifies the reminder interval, in minutes, for synchronizing the user attribute provider attributes.
debug.mceadmin.coreuserattributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer to use as the linked user identity
debug.mceadmin.coreuserattributenamemsRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddressSpecifies the attribute to synchronize as the linked user identity
debug.mce.enableinappmcegroupmanagementtrueSwitches the in-app group management to target MCE
debug.connector.mce.groupsecuritycontextrequiredtrueEnforces that a security context must be specified when creating a group
debug.connector.mce.groupclassificationrequiredtrueEnforces that a classification must be specified when creating a group
debug.mce.file.server.path.<mce file server identifier>C:\mce\filesThe path to where file uploads should be stored when the specified <file server identifier> is configured as the active file server, this should be a network path accessible to all MLA hosts. This key allows for recording multiple file paths onto which files have been uploaded, the currently "active" path (onto which new files will be uploaded) can be switched with the debug.mce.file.server.activeid key
debug.mce.file.server.activeidmcefileserver1The desired mce file server identifier, defined via using the debug.mce.file.server.path.<mce file server identifier> debug flag
connector.ucma.custompreferencesrepositoryC:\mce\preferencesThe path to where user preferences should be stored, this should be a network path accessible to all MLA hosts.

Optional configuration

debug.ucma.persistentchat.enabledfalseDetermines whether the Skype for Business Persistent Chat connection is created. false => Persistent Chat should not be connected for user sessions, true => Persistent Chat should be connected.
debug.mce.fileupload.disabledtrueDisabled file upload functionality in MCE groups
debug.mce.clustercertificatethumbprintABCD...0123Specifies the certificate thumbprint of a certificate in the Windows Machine Certificate Store to use to secure TLS communication between the cluster nodes
debug.mce.orleansdashboard.enabledtrueEnables the monitoring dashboard for the MCE cluster
debug.mce.orleansdashboard.port8033Specifies the port to host the monitoring dashboard over HTTP
debug.mce.usermetadatamodelgrain.enabledtrueDetermines whether the user metadata model grain is enabled, therefore decides if it is included in the MCE cluster or not
debug.mce.endpoint.advertisedipaddress127.0.0.1Specifies the IP address this cluster node can be reached on from other cluster nodes
debug.mce.endpoint.gatewayport30000Specifies the port this cluster node will accept client connections on
debug.mce.endpoint.siloport11111Specifies the port this cluster node will accept peer cluster node connections on
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.activedirectory.propertiess, st, displayName, distinguishedName, msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddressSpecifies the active directory properties to synchronize for users (ensure the distinguished name and primary user address are synchronized). Only string type AD properties are supported.
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.activedirectory.groupsandous.enabledfalseEnables Active Directory Groups and OUs for synchronization.
debug.mceadmin.admin.upnuser@domain.comThe UPN of an administrator account.
debug.mceadmin.admin.attributecois=AdminsThe security attribute name=value of administrator accounts
debug.mceadmin.admin.adgroupCN=MceAdministrators, DN=Groups, DC=company, DC=comThe Active Directory distinguished name of a Security Group for administrator accounts
debug.mceadmin.admin.tokenexpirationminutes15The number of minutes an administrator access token is valid scope of validation against group name duplication. Can be "Global", "SecurityContext", "SecurityContextAndClassification", or "None". Will default to "None" if not provided.
debug.connector.types.enableducma, mceSpecifies the enabled connectors. MCE is required for a standalone deployment.
debug.mceadmin.user.displayname.attributenamedisplayNameSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user display name.
debug.mceadmin.user.emailaddress.attributenamemailSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user email address.
debug.mceadmin.user.instantmessagingaddress.attributenamemailSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user instant messaging address. the attribute name used to synchronize the user country.
debug.mceadmin.user.countrydivision.attributenamestSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user country division or state. the attribute name used to synchronize the user city.
debug.mceadmin.user.street.attributenamestreetSpecifies the attribute name used to synchronize the user street.
debug.mceadmin.user.emailaddress.attributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user email address, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted.
debug.mceadmin.user.displayname.attributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user display name, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted.
debug.mceadmin.user.instantmessagingaddress.attributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user instant messagin address, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted. the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user country, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted.
debug.mceadmin.user.countrydivision.attributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user country division or state, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted. the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user city, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted.
debug.mceadmin.user.street.attributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer used to synchronize the user street, defaults to the specified core attribute issuer if omitted.

MCE-only configuration

Once a MindLink Anywhere installation is deployed, the following configuration will host only the MCE workload:

global.service.modulesMceEnables MCE services;
Database=Mce;Integrated Security=true
Specifies the database connection for all MCE operations, including cluster membership.
debug.mce.clusteridmceSpecifies the identity of the cluster the DNS name of the cluster, this is used for certificate validation
debug.mceadmin.validissuersADSpecifies the issuers that can be used to specify COI attributes. Value AD = Active Directory. Alternatively, the value for your third-party attribute service can be used.
debug.mceadmin.coreuserattributeissuerADSpecifies the attribute issuer to use as the linked user identity
debug.mceadmin.coreuserattributenamemsRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddressSpecifies the attribute to synchronize as the linked user identity
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.activedirectory.reminderintervalminutes1Specifies the reminder interval, in minutes, for synchronizing the Active Directory attributes.
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.attributeprovider.reminderintervalminutes1Specifies the reminder interval, in minutes, for synchronizing the user attribute provider attributes.

Optional configuration

global.service.modulesMce,MceAdminEnables MCE services and the MCE administration web services (for PowerShell management)
debug.mce.fileupload.disabledtrueDisabled file upload functionality in MCE groups
debug.mce.clustercertificatethumbprintABCD...0123Specifies the certificate thumbprint of a certificate in the Windows Machine Certificate Store to use to secure TLS communication between the cluster nodes
debug.mce.orleansdashboard.enabledtrueEnables the monitoring dashboard for the MCE cluster
debug.mce.orleansdashboard.port8033Specifies the port to host the monitoring dashboard over HTTP
debug.mce.endpoint.advertisedipaddress127.0.0.1Specifies the IP address this cluster node can be reached on from other cluster nodes
debug.mce.endpoint.gatewayport30000Specifies the port this cluster node will accept client connections on
debug.mce.endpoint.siloport11111Specifies the port this cluster node will accept peer cluster node connections on
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.activedirectory.propertiess, st, displayName, distinguishedName, msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddressSpecifies the active directory properties to synchronize for users (ensure the distinguished name and primary user address are synchronized). Only string type AD properties are supported.
debug.mceadmin.synchronization.activedirectory.groupsandous.enabledfalseEnables Active Directory Groups and OUs for synchronization.
debug.mceadmin.admin.upnuser@domain.comThe UPN of an administrator account.
debug.mceadmin.admin.attributecois=AdminsThe security attribute name=value of administrator accounts
debug.mceadmin.admin.adgroupCN=MceAdministrators, DN=Groups, DC=company, DC=comThe Active Directory distinguished name of a Security Group for administrator accounts
debug.mceadmin.admin.tokenexpirationminutes15The number of minutes an administrator access token is valid
debug.attributeserver.requesttimeoutmilliseconds10000The number of miliseconds for the attribute server request to timeout
debug.mce.synchronizationmanager.bypasscoregroupreadmodeltrueDetermines whether to ignore the GroupReadModel in the Synchronization Manager or not. scope of validation against group name duplication. Can be "Global", "SecurityContext", "SecurityContextAndClassification", or "None". Will default to "None" if not provided. Name duplication will only be validated against newly created/edited groups
debug.connector.types.enabledmceSpecifies the enabled connectors. MCE is required for a standalone deployment.

Web-only configuration

Once a MindLink Anywhere installation is deployed, the following configuration will host MindLink Anywhere with connectivity to a running MCE cluster:

Database=Mce;Integrated Security=true
Specifies the database connection for all MCE operations, including cluster membership
debug.mce.clusteridmceSpecifies the identity of the cluster the DNS name of the cluster, this is used for certificate validation
debug.mce.clientenabledtrueEnables the MCE connector for Web, overridden to true when the "MceAdmin" module is enabled
debug.mce.enableinappmcegroupmanagementtrueSwitches the in-app group management to target MCE the in-app group management to target UCMA
debug.connector.mce.groupsecuritycontextrequiredtrueEnforces that a security context must be specified when creating a group
debug.connector.mce.groupclassificationrequiredtrueEnforces that a classification must be specified when creating a group
debug.mce.file.server.path.<mce file server identifier>C:\mce\filesThe path to where file uploads should be stored when the specified <file server identifier> is configured as the active file server, this should be a network path accessible to all MLA hosts. This key allows for recording multiple file paths onto which files have been uploaded, the currently "active" path (onto which new files will be uploaded) can be switched with the debug.mce.file.server.activeid key
debug.mce.file.server.activeidmcefileserver1The desired mce file server identifier, defined via using the debug.mce.file.server.path.<mce file server identifier> debug flag
connector.ucma.custompreferencesrepositoryC:\mce\preferencesThe path to where user preferences should be stored, this should be a network path accessible to all MLA hosts

Optional configuration

debug.ucma.persistentchat.enabledfalseDetermines whether the Skype for Business Persistent Chat connection is created. false => Persistent Chat should not be connected for user sessions, true => Persistent Chat should be connected.
debug.mce.fileupload.disabledtrueDisabled file upload functionality in MCE groups
debug.mce.clustercertificatethumbprintABCD...0123Specifies the certificate thumbprint of a certificate in the Windows Machine Certificate Store to use to secure TLS communication between the cluster nodes the offset of a valid APNs token. Set to 5 minutes by default.